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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hello Friends,

 This is another of my "Energy of Voyager Cards" Poems. 
 This is about one of James Wanless' "Family Cards".

 While most Tarot Decks have Major Arcana Cards ( 22 of them) , Minor Arcana Cards (40 of them) and Court Cards (16 of them) totaling 78 Card total ; James renames the "Court Cards" as "Family Cards".
James Wanless does this for a great reason. In keeping with the whole style of the  Voyager Tarot Deck , James Wanless recognized that "Royal Courts are an anachronism and not pertinent to our current reality .

  The Voyager Deck remains both Contemporary and Universal .We can all relate to "Family"  and usually come from one. So instead of using Kings , Queens , Pages , Knights and others James Wanless instead divides the "Family Cards into Man , Woman , Child and Sage (or wise elder) Cards.

  Each of these Archetypes are expressed by the qualities or represented by these four Suits;

 Worlds ( the equivalent of Pentagrams or Discs ,relating to "The World" or Earthy quality ).
 Crystals ( the equivalent of Swords or "Of the Mind" or Airy quality ).
 Wands ( Of Spirit or Fiery quality ).
 and finally Cups ( Emotions or Water quality).

So for instance "Sensor" or Woman of Wands relates to how Spirit can express itself through a Woman or how Spirit expresses itself in a Female aspect of any of us.

The "Energy of Poem" I chose today is Learner or "Child of Crystals". 

On behalf of "On the Path Tarot" I welcome you.

I  recommend  that  you study the accompanying Voyager Picture then internally "link" to it's Symbology and  find resonance within to where you "connect" to the symbols .
I  use the visuals in my writing to "tie it all up".

      Finally read the "Energy of Voyager Tarot Cards " Poem.
I  will include the related minor Arcana Pictures where appropriate.

                                                             Thank You ~ Lloyd

The Energy of Child of Crystals -"Learner " - Family / Court Card - Tarot

Child of Crystals is awash in awe,
  Eyes bursting with fascination;
Face glowing with curiosity of,
Fingers , crystals , numbers and books.

Learner begins slowly collecting knowledge.
Child of Crystals does not confuse by multiplying;
Child of Crystals simply sees the axioms whirling.
  Seeing light reflecting off wondrous shapes;
And prisms of light dividing colors.

If you have the Child of Crystals card ,
Your initiation is beginning and you will visit,
The Temple of Awe where , devoted , you begin,
Your lessons. Put aside complications,
And reverently continue your path into the,
Sacred Library.

The Energy of the Child of Crystals card is ;
Glowing , strong and electric.
You as Learner grow steadily with small steps.
Piece by piece you carefully assemble;
The Puzzle of Your Life.

Thank you  R.Lloyd Hegland ~ "On the Path Tarot"


Trampas Graham said...

Love this--I can tell this is going to a huge resource for me--THANK YOU!

R.Lloyd said...

TY Trampas !!
Let me know anything you you'd like my comments on re. Voyager Tarot.
